Email AddressRequired

    *We will reply to this email address.

    Email Address (for confirmation)Required
    Player Name
    Player IDRequired
    App Version
    Device OSRequired
    Device OS Version
    Device Model Name
    Type of InquiryRequired
    Tell us everything you can about your inquiry, please.Required
    Upload a file

    *Choose a file in either JPEG, PNG, or PDF format.
    *Maximum file size allowed is 2MB.

    Please read the Privacy Policy, then check [I Agree].Required

    【Important Notice】

    • We will only recover play data if we can verify the identity of the person requesting it.
    • If the verification requirements are not met, we may decline to provide assistance. Please note that we do not disclose the verification criteria.
    • We will only investigate inquiries made by the original account holder upon verification.
    • We do not accept inquiries made by a representative on behalf of the account holder. Please have the account holder contact us directly if there is an issue with their play data.
    • If false information or another person's information is provided, we will take appropriate action.
    • We will only reply to the email address used to make the inquiry.
    • If multiple inquiries are made from different email addresses, we may not be able to verify the identity of the account holder.
    • It may take up to a week to receive a response to your inquiry.
    • We do not provide updates on the status of your inquiry or on response times.
    • We do not provide compensation for events or campaigns that have already ended.
    • We cannot provide login bonuses or claim gifts that have expired during the period that support is being provided.
    • We do not offer support in languages other than English.
    • We do not offer support over the phone.